The pleasures and pitfalls of studying humans from a behavioral ecological perspective


We know it’s incredibly tedious, but we have to admit we agree with everything Nettle et al. (2013) say. Not only is that tedious, it also makes for a rather brief commentary. So, in an effort to keep the conversation lively, we would like to address some additional issues that highlight the pleasures and pitfalls of studying humans from a behavioral ecological perspective.


Louise Barrett, Gert Stulp


January 22, 2013

     The pleasures and pitfalls of studying humans from a behavioral ecological perspective

     Behavioral Ecology

    Louise Barrett, Gert Stulp

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We know it’s incredibly tedious, but we have to admit we agree with everything Nettle et al. (2013) say. Not only is that tedious, it also makes for a rather brief commentary. So, in an effort to keep the conversation lively, we would like to address some additional issues that highlight the pleasures and pitfalls of studying humans from a behavioral ecological perspective.